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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

TWP Approved!: Holiday [Bag] Charm

Swagging out a handbag is not necessarily a new phenomenon, it's just the current one. I have a small denim bag from college (circa two-thousand and something) that I decorated with Fraggle Rock iron-on badges and fun-spirited buttons. It's never not fun to add a little personality to your common everyday objects.

So, here, I've selected some very cool and interesting charms to add a little oomph to your bag. These options are actually pretty reasonably priced. Although, the Fendi Bag Bugs sparked this new craze, I technically and financially can't afford them! No shade, it's just too rich for my blood. Be clear, I have no problem with accepting them as a gift ALL DAY LONG.

*hint hint*

(Click through the image to purchase)

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