I mean, well, it kind of does stop but the style and flavor goes on and on!
Here are a few important dates to keep in mind for this sale:
- Early Access started on July 14th.
- You need a Nordstrom Debit Card or Credit Card to access the sale. You can sign up for a card here.
- General Access starts on July 22nd.
- Sale ends and the prices go back up (the horror!) on August 8th.
This time around, I'm going group by group and picking out a few of my favorite things. Today, I'm starting with the shoes and accessories.
Here's what I think about the sale; it's a great place to get your basics for the upcoming fall season. Pick up a new pair of flat over-the-knee boots and grab a few cross-body saddle bags!
Again, Nordstrom's return policy is other worldly. Returns hashtag anytime.
Get into this sale not now but RIGHT NOW!
(Click through the image to get the sale price)
I will try. thanks.