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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Memo 177: Camp Conrad - Volume 1

To: All
From: Me
Date: March 26, 2015
Subject: Photo Diary As Told By Instagram

Can I say that I am STILL high off of this EPIC camping adventure that occurred almost three weeks ago? Because I am. I've never been camping before. I've never been on a RV. I've never been to Sequoia National Park or Joshua Tree National Park. There were a lot of firsts on this trip and I wouldn't have wanted to experience them with any other group of people. So many good vibes, near death experiences and laughter. Follow me on this journey:

The obligatory shot from the airplane #WheelsUp #WayUpIFeelBlessed #PlanesGoingUp #LABound
In LA, we picked up three RVs full of people. Three! There was a lot of risk taking involved with these RVs during the camping trip. Standing on top of this RV to get the perfect "Usie" was nothing compared to almost driving off a cliff and flying around inside during sudden stops and turns. #RIPToMeEverTakingRidingInARV #EverAgainInLife #ImOnlySerious #NextStopSequoiaNationalPark
Life. Giving.  #SequoiaNationalPark
When your photographer friend says that he wants to do something epic for his birthday, you smile, nod, study the style guide, pack a bag and GO! #NoQuestionsAsked 

Look #1: Coat: Zara - Similar: here | Vest: Zara - Similar: here | Sweater: J. Crew - Similar: here | Harness: ASOS - Similar: here | Shorts: H&M - Similar here | Knee High Socks: Dillard's - Similar here |  Boots: Pour La Victoire

Before you continue, check out this feature from The EveryGirl where The Werk! Place was included in the list of "Reader Favorites: 15 Budget Friendly Fashion Bloggers. I mean who doesn't appreciate style on a budget?

Carry on...

Three One Three #StandUp #DetroitsFinest #SequoiaNationalPark

Everyone in this photo went to the same high school in Detroit. Correction: Everyone except for me. #MercyGirlsDoItBetter #MercyMarlins #OurMascotWasAFish #IWentToAnAllGirlsHighSchool 
Contrary to what these pictures show, we were real life camping. At this point, I hadn't had a real shower in two days #RealTalk #OverSharing #BirdBathStatus #IJustWantYouToKnowItWasReal
Just talking a walk around Sequoia National Park ... #NoBigDeal

Look #1: Coat: Zara - Similar: here | Vest: Zara - Similar: here | Sweater: J. Crew - Similar: here | Harness: ASOS - Similar: here | Shorts: H&M - Similar here | Knee High Socks: Dillard's - Similar here |  Boots: Pour La Victoire
Beautiful Views! This was my first time camping as an adult. I can totally see why people do it. It's so awesome to be all up in nature's beauty BUT there were bear warnings ALL OVER THE PLACE. #IDontHaveTimeForThat #MissMeWithTheBearTalk
Oh, the sketchy places that we found along the way to Joshua Tree. Yes, a meth addict came in there trying to rob us. Yes, the guy behind the counter ran her out and threatened to call the cops. Yes, we still continued with our pizza order #WeHungry #ItWasDelicious #NoOneGotSick #WeWereMoreHungryThanScared #NextStopJoshuaTreeNationalPark
Of course, there were S'mores... and a twerk contest #WhatchaTwerkingWith #NoJudgementZone


  1. LOVED the photos! Who knew so much style was happening at national parks? Thanks for sharing :o)

  2. Just gorgeous. The levels of life given.... sigh. I need new friends!!

  3. you rock even when tackling rocks...looking goood

  4. You are appropriately yet stylishly dressed.#goals

  5. This is an awesome post....PS I love that you grew up Detroit : )

  6. I love it when plan comes together, looks like great fun was had by all, thank you for sharing!

  7. whoa and wow... I literally am smh with my mouth 5 inches wide. so dope!

  8. This trip seems epic! Dopeness abound!
