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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Memo 178: Camp Conrad - Volume 2

To: All
From: Me
Date: April 2, 2015
Subject: Photo Diary As Told By Instagram

The saga continues...

Joshua Tree National Park

Alright, alright! I didn't actually sleep in the tents. I only took pictures of them but I did sleep on the RV. #GiveMeCreditForThat #ProudMoment #ImNotAnOutdoorsPerson
Let's count how many times our friend, Jack Daniels, makes an appearance in these photos #NumberOne #WheresJackD
Look #2: Top: ASOS - Sold here | Skirt: ASOS - Sold here | Aztec Cape: H&M - Similar here | Hat: Ecoté - Similar here | Cowboy Boots: Steve Madden - Similar here | Bottle: Jack Daniels 

Our RV won! Not because we organized a dance routine, won the twerk contest, had a clean and organized RV for the entire trip,  discussed world issues or developed business plans. No, we did none of that! We had spirit and heart! We, also, mastered the fine art of catching flying lasagna.  #CanYouSayTheSameForYourRV #YesIJustThrewSoMuchShade #YouWouldntEvenUnderstandIt #ShadeShadeShade #DidYouSeeIt #TwoTimes #WheresJackD
Life is all about making memories. Because I have early onset Alzheimers,  I have to capture all the moments (in different formats) that I can! #FujiInstax #InstantFilm #ImJokingAboutTheAlzheimers #IHope #IJustHaveSelectiveMemory
You're witnessing the Joshua Tree National Park takeover #TheyDidntSeeUsComing #BlackExcellenceInTheMiddleOfTheDesert #TheyWerentReady
Three! Jack Daniels made an appearance in three different photos. #WeveBeenDrankin #WheresJackD
Photography by: Cendino Temé
Look #2.1 (On the left): Top: ASOS - Sold here | Skirt: ASOS - Sold here | Denim Coat: Guess - Similar here | Hat: Ecoté - Similar here | Cowboy Boots: Steve Madden - Similar here | Camera: Fuji Instax - Sold here | Bottle: Jack Daniels 

The Look on the Right: Top: Urban Outfitters - Similar here | Shorts: Mink Pink - Sold here | Gladiator Sandals - Similar here | Harness: ASOS - Similar here | Necklace - Similar here

Oh, just walking through Joshua Tree National Park #NoBigDeal
Photography by: Cendino Temé
Look #2: Top: ASOS - Sold here | Skirt: ASOS - Sold here | Aztec Cape: H&M - Similar here | Hat: Ecoté - Similar here | Cowboy Boots: Steve Madden - Similar here 

Blue Smoke #DetroitsFinest
I wore the hat. Trust me! Because the way that sun was trying to burn the skin off of my body, Bay-bee!
Photography by: Cendino Temé
Look #2: Top: ASOS - Sold here | Skirt: ASOS - Sold here | Aztec Cape: H&M - Similar here | Hat: Ecoté - Similar here | Cowboy Boots: Steve Madden - Similar here 

Squad #TheFinalResult #TheJoshuaTreeTakeOver

1 comment:

  1. Now this right here is epic. Need to do this with my friends. Love it. Greetings from Kenya
